Essentia Health - Ely

Primary Care in Ely, MN

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Physical Address

300 W Conan St
Ely, MN 55731
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  • not available
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About Essentia Health - Ely

Essentia Health - Ely is a primary care office in Ely, MN located at 300 W Conan St, . The hours of operation for this clinic are not known, however most walk-in clinics are open daily and for extended hours. Essentia Health - Ely is part of the larger Essentia Health network of primary care clinics with a total of 39 locations, 0 of which are within 20 miles of Ely, in cities including .

Primary care offices like Essentia Health - Ely are most commonly staffed by family or internal medicine physicians with a clinical support team designed to be a patients medical home. All patients should have a primary care physician to treat routine medical concerns and manage chronic conditions. In the event your primary care physician is not open or if you are unable to obtain an appointment, the following are the closest DOT exam locations to this clinic:

If you are suffering from a true medical emergency, go to the emergency room in Ely, MN or call 911 immediately.

Learn more about Essentia Health

DOT and CDL Exam Providers

  • James S Montana
    Medical Doctor
    Certification: 3599523138
  • Jeanann Tjader
    Nurse Practitioner
    Certification: 1872840007 as of 2014-04-06
  • Joseph M Schwinghamer
    Medical Doctor
    Certification: 6746454633
  • Margaret E York-Jesme
    Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
    Certification: 6820134763

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